










I want to talk about the recent fires in Colorado and the West, and yet as I try to express myself beyond the daily facts that are released in the news about the fires’ massive destruction, and devastating consequences to its victims, I am speechless.  Perhaps that is why prayer is so profound.  It often comes when we have no way to process what we see or experience.

The image today is not of a blazing fire, smoky skies, or charred trees, but rather a beautiful November sunset in my Northwest Denver neighborhood. Thank God that there are more sunsets than infernos that light up the sky and that rain is predicted for the next few days.




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One Comment

  1. Rachel Cowan July 5, 2012 at 11:59 pm #

    I am sitting over breakfast in Jerusalem, sharing the journey you have so beautifully photographed, and enriched by your prose! Thank you. And may the rain bring relief to your battered state.

    sending love

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