February is a frequent birthday month in our small family, including my own, so I gave myself a two week sabbatical from blogging.
I pinpoint the time that I became a photographer to the Spring of 2008, when I took my year old digital point and shoot camera to Seattle with me on a return visit to the neighborhood where I had lived for 2 plus years while attending graduate school as an “over 50”, and more importantly to reunite with friends from my time there. My friend B. took my husband and I to a small Japanese garden and it was really through her encouragement that I started to “see in new ways”. She had such a wonderful sense of composition with her own photography, that I was inspired to keep going.
Several years ago I scanned all of our old film photos into the computer and today as I was reviewing some, I came across today’s image which I took on an old film camera , so a seed was perhaps planted then that finally sprouted in another season. It was especially poignant since the guy in the red shorts turned 28 today.
I’m reminded of the beautiful lyrics of a song from the old musical, “Fiddler on the Roof; sunrise, sunset,swiftly flow the years, one season following another, laden with happiness and tears; …” No matter how young or old we are, it matters that we are present in other peoples’ lives and that we engage with others in relationship. My friend’s love and encouragement started a whole new way of seeing for me, and allowed me to share my words and images with you 5 years later.
Think of someone that had that effect on you and how it’s changed your life.