The gate in today’s image is on the southeast side of the Denver Botanic Garden. I’d never seen it before on my visits, but this summer I’m exploring specific parts of the garden on shorter but more frequent visits. I saw it quite by accident as I took cover from the noon sun to take a brief look at my camera to see if I’d been able to capture the very tall Chihuly sculpture on my small screened ®IPhone. My original shot went to the trash but then the gate right next to me came into focus. That’s what I was to see that day.
Notice the latch on the inside. Sometimes when we are in a time of major transition we have to close some doors as we retreat from the daily to the respite of the closed door and it’s shutting out of distraction. With time and and healing we can lift the latch and venture out … in the meantime we wait to know when that is and to whom we entrust the key to enter from the outside and walk with us on our journey.
Praying for openings, clarity and signs of hope for you.
Blessings in your steady and courageous settling in.