Dear Readers:
I left you here in the conservatory at the Denver Botanic Garden when I posted a blog on July 31,2015.
In that last blog I said: “Having recently experienced several non routine events in some areas of my life, I’d like to offer an insight. Instead of spending so much energy trying to work to keep it all under control,I wondered what I might need for myself during a time that required more of me than I might have …”
As it turns out that was my last blog in almost 18 months. A number of things are now settled and I’m ready to start anew. I’ve learned a lot about strengths and weaknesses ; cleaned out a metaphorical and literal file cabinet to make room; faced realities that I have less energy than before and want to be more authentically me. You all have experienced transition in your own unique situations and seasons.
The absolutely best thing that has happened is that I have learned to listen more thanks to several loving people who have held me accountable to take a look at my “dance in the moment enthusiastic narratives” and in essence stop “fire hosing people” (my term, not theirs). Some of you may be smiling now … Anyway, my very quiet, husband of many years finally said to me: “enough context, get to the point”. “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
Looking forward to offering insight and encouragement through Word and Image as we navigate life’s transitions … and I do have a few good narratives to share.
Hi, IBK! How wonderful to see your beautiful photographs again — welcome back!
Love, Barbara
Glad your blog is back, IBK. Have missed the insights and beautiful photos!
Glad to see you back writing and taking photos!!!
Welcome back to that little corner of my world you still occupy. I am looking forward to more of your gorgeous photos that open my eyes and my mind.
Bless you!