Many times when we are in transition we choose or have to learn skills not previously known that will help us travel a new path. This week I’ve been reading a book by Chuck DeGroat entitled: Wholeheartedness: Busyness, Exhaustion and Healing the Divided Self. I was particularly drawn to a a section in chapter 7 about “returning to our core, recovering our true self”.
…”But this is the journey – from that lonely, exposed place where we find ourselves after clawing our way to the top, to the lush valley below with streams of living water. The journey is from a place of exhaustion to a place of rest, from a place of fragmentation to a place of wholeness and wholeheartedness. … in contrast to the upward mobility of our world, this is the way of downward mobility.I (Chuck) call this a descent into wholeness…. We become more whole as we unburden ourselves as we let go of what we thought we needed in order to experience what we already have.”
This last line of the quotation above, made its home in my thoughts today. I/We so often work so hard to get to or through something with our own effort and timelines when if we would pause to engage with what we already have, we might discover some burden we could leave behind as we journey forth.
Today’s image was made on a day where I hit the pause button and noticed the light on a pepper in the windowsill . It attracted my attention and provided, and still provides, delight.
I like the idea of downward mobility in a positive sense…!
That last line of the quote is priceless! (And true.)
Hi, IBK,
What a nice blog, interesting quote, and gorgeous photo!
An ironic thought occurs to me: Just as one needs money to “achieve” upward mobility, one also needs it to achieve downward mobility. That is, one must be financially comfortable enough not to have to work for life’s necessities. That is a luxury beyond some people’s means, but (very) luckily, it is a luxury that some of us are able to enjoy. Now we just have to embrace it for what it is — a huge gift!
Your photo reminds me of the very FIRST slide my history of photography professor showed us the first day of class, by Edward Weston. (Click on the URL below, to see it.) Yours is just as beautiful!