Tag Archives: Choices

Take Me Back











Hello Dear Readers:

After a two week hiatus or possibly three I’m back at it and delighted to be.  I’ve had visits from friends; our almost 9 year old grand nephew flew in for a visit; and tomorrow our younger son returns to D.C. after a delightful  time with us and other family members.  As grand as it’s been we all are ready to get back to our normal normals.   Watching the olympics and hearing the backstories before the ascent to the medal podium, reminds us again that the steps we take every day are the ones that will come to fruition in some way or other in the next week,month or four years. The time we invest with others, or to learn a new skill or overcome a prejudice or accept a health challenge, etc. does start with just one step.

I remember the exact moment I was finally relieved of the burden of believing that when everything is right and I had  the right tools, and I’d learned enough and I had enough money and …. then I would do x.  Now I know that as I begin somewhere the joy comes from the result of the discipline of using the tools, learning from doing the thing, budgeting money for my choices and by “doing x” I’m actually  able to look back with satisfaction that where I had been was not where I was now.  One of my late mother’s gifts was the phrase: “Every age is interesting and has its own blessings.

As this very active summer begins to wind down and my body is needing to be back in touch with a new normal, I’m reminded of a commercial from my childhood for a bath salt product called © Calgon.  A tired beautiful woman in the city would get into the back of a limousine equipped with a bathtub.  After a long soak (60 second commercial) she would step out of the vehicle dressed in evening clothes and ready for a night on the town with a waiting beau.

The tagline for the commercial: ” Calgon, take me away.”  It was my fantasy for a long time to take a bath in a moving car.  Fortunately, I took up photography a few years ago and can be “taken away” by todays image in Acadia National Park in Maine.  When I need a rest from the busy the sea serves me well.

Thanks for letting me meander and offer two blogs in one.







Posted in Aging, Blessings, Insight, Seasons Also tagged , , , , |

“Open Doors Denver”















“Open Doors Denver” is an annual  two day event event  in April sponsored by the Denver Cultural Affairs Office. The purpose is to celebrate design and architecture at over  70 sites  which are open to the public over the course of 2 days. It is a delight as a photographer to have access to places high above the city streets as well as walking into landmark building with unique views of of rooftops at eye level.  Part of the fun is a photo contest where the public votes for their favorite pictures.

The door in today’s image was the last one of the day as I was heading home.  We are intrigued I think about the idea of doors in our lives opening with new possibilities, and yet what I loved about this rather ordinary picture is that the door was closed but offered a reflection of three lighted windows across the street.

It is an interesting dilemma re: doors.  Sometimes the door isn’t open so we have to wait for the right timing;  sometimes it is slammed shut; other times the door is wide open and we are unable or unwilling to walk through it; in another scenario we must open the door; and finally perhaps  the door is wide open, we’ve entered and the time comes to close the door behind us.

There are many opportunities and much that is painful when doors open and close.  I wish you friends for the journey and courage to look for the light that illuminates.


Posted in Seasons Also tagged , , , , , , |

A Moment in Time















The camera can never fully capture what the eye sees and adjusts for and the heart remembers. But as a photographer I have the privilege of trying to capture a moment in time that will remind me of a place I have been or to document an experience of some kind or to record a gift I have been given.  Moments are just that … a brief time when we can make a decision to observe, ignore, squander or embrace. Being present to engage with a moment is surely one of the blessings of being human.

In the image above, an ordinary tree when illuminated during the golden hour – that time for a photographer about an hour before sunset – becomes an extraordinary gift perhaps even sacred. How many moments are we missing that will never present themselves again, because our fears, ambitions and distractions cause us to squander the opportunity for engagement?



Posted in Seeing In New Ways Also tagged , , , |

Letting Go

Happy New Year!

I’m getting ready to attend a photography conference of the Professional Photographers Assn. (PPA) later this month in New Orleans . I’m a bit intimidated.    One of the opportunities at the event is to present 12 photos for critique by professional judges.

Today I opened my  5 star (best) photo folder of the last three years and started to flag some candidates for the event. To my amazement I found many photos that were blurry, too busy, out of focus, and just plain poor composition.  I deleted most of them and now have a much stronger collection.  Somewhere along the way in the last three years of taking photos, classes, and online tutorials and letting go of other things to focus on photography, I got better.  See images below. (Thank you all my teachers and photo friends)

One of the challenges in the frenetic paces that we often choose so matter of “factly” is that we’re now faced with endless opportunity to be “on” and  connected to all kinds of great things – but they may not be the best things for who we desire to authentically be.

As you look back on the year just passed what is it that you might choose to let go of this year that will allow you to move in some area from good to better or best.  Hint, you might have to delete a lot of good and better … and it might involve relationships as well as things.


PS I had to let go of remembering how to put the good and best image first in this weeks blog.  🙂


©IBKimage 2011

Posted in Authenticity, Letting Go, New Beginning, Seeing In New Ways Also tagged , , |