Tag Archives: Focus

Less Can Be More









Happy New Year and Welcome to New Blog Recipients.

I’ve been trying for some time to organize my blog list and  learn new  skills.  My goal is to be able to send the blog from wherever I happen to be on a Thursday evening .  That now seems  possible and I look forward to being more regular in my posting.

Today’s image comes from one of my favorite places in Denver:  Queen City Salvage Yard.  It is obvious that people have dumped their excess to create space for other things in the places where they live and work.  The multiple colors on the grill work of this old car  indicate several paint jobs and restoration work as well as a long time build-up of rust.  It was only tonight however that I realized there was a lot of other “stuff” in the picture.  It was easy to lose focus .  A small cropping later with some photo editing tools, provided a different story.


©IBKimage 2013


I’d encourage us all to take a look in the new year at what we might want to focus on and what might need to be cropped. So many good things that take up so much space and time. Let’s go for the “less that is best”.



Posted in Letting Go, Pruning Also tagged , |