Tag Archives: what if…

One Season Following Another



In the midst of major drought in our mile high city of Denver, it blesses me to know that tulips can “spring” up out of the driest of dry soil.  As we begin our two day a week, water restrictions for outdoor watering , we learn to be intentional about identifying what we value … green lawns or our access to water for our vegetable gardens  or both … and so on.   As spring turns into summer we may see more severe restrictions, and yet the little things done consistently over a period of time can make a major difference if we all join in … but wait,  our restrictions come from a place of choice that has very little to do at this point with actual need.

We can only water our lawns, twice a week before 9 and after 6 p.m. How about eliminating the lawns for a season or two until we have more snowfall and melt to replenish our reservoirs?  New seasons call for new responses.  Could we shrink our lives with the attendant “busy” to make them bigger; or turn off our cell phones so that we can hear; or turn off our devices so that we can see; unplug our ears to engage, get rid of room scents so that we can smell? Perhaps the biggest drought right now is  that we’re dying of relational thirst and engagement with others vs. constant attention to our “social medias” plural.  It’s a dry season in our places that we live, for more reasons than lack of water for our lawns.

How wonderful the flowers in the midst of dryness.















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